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Examiner Appreciation Week

Celebrating the Vital Role of Claims Examiners During Examiner Appreciation Week

August 20, 2024 by Keenan

Claims examiners at Keenan are much more than meticulous record-keepers and medical approvers. These heroes are the heart and soul of our clients’ injured workers’ journey back to health and normalcy; they are the champions in managing complex litigation, providing critical medical needs to injured workers, protecting our client’s programs, and resolving complicated workers’ compensation and property and liability claims issues rapidly. During Examiner Appreciation Week, we recognize the profound positive impact they have on the lives of those they serve. Keenan's examiners are deeply committed to the needs of our clients, and the well-being of injured workers, ensuring they receive the comprehensive support and guidance necessary to heal, return to work, and regain their sense of wholeness.

These professionals are not confined to the role of problem solvers; they are leaders, critical thinkers, and empathetic allies. Their unwavering dedication and expertise are the cornerstones of every successful claim, propelling them to go the extra mile for injured workers. Property and liability claims examiners play a crucial role in safeguarding our clients’ assets and ensuring fair resolutions, demonstrating the same passion and proficiency. It is their passion and proficiency that make them the unsung heroes of our company, and this week, we celebrate their invaluable contributions.

The Crucial Role of Claims Examiners

Claims examiners play an essential role in our client’s claims programs. They meticulously evaluate and determine the specific needs of various claims, whether related to workers' compensation, property & liability, or disability claims. At Keenan, our claims examiners serve as fierce advocates for injured workers, ensuring they receive the medical treatments and benefits they are entitled to. These workers—whether they are teachers, custodians, business leaders, or those who maintain the vital pillars of our communities like education and public health—rely on the expertise and dedication of claims examiners to navigate the often complex and overwhelming process.

Claims examiners at Keenan are deeply involved in every aspect of the claims process. They are the go-to resource for injured workers, guiding them through the complexities of the healthcare system, California regulations, and legal requirements. Examiners get to know the injured workers they serve on a personal level, rooting for them to receive the coverage and support they need to recover fully.

Property and liability claims examiners also play a crucial role in safeguarding our clients’ assets and ensuring fair resolutions. They manage claims related to property damage and liability issues with the same dedication and expertise, ensuring that clients receive the support they need to recover from losses and protect their programs.

In their role, examiners must often interview injured workers, employers, witnesses, and other relevant parties to gather the necessary information. They analyze documentation, work together with attorneys on coverage and liability, negotiate settlements, and consistently deliver exceptional customer service. Every step of the way, they work tirelessly to advocate for the best interests of their clients and the injured workers they serve.

Why Claims Examiners Are Essential

Whether a teacher has an injury, or a client is faced with a liability lawsuit, our examiners are there to handle uncertainty.

When a client is faced with a liability claim, our expert examiners step in as the advocates that the client needs. Our claims examiners manage a complex process that ensures swift actions are taken to address all needs. They work closely with legal teams, carriers, and the client to absorb the strain that these claims can cause to our clients’ operations. Throughout the complicated claims process, our claims examiners demystify the process and reduce the burden these claims could create.

If an employee of our client suffers an on-the-job injury, our Keenan claims examiners become the superheroes and advocates that the injured workers need. From evaluating and facilitating the treatment that the injured worker needs right away, to identifying the necessary financial assistance related to the claim, our claims examiners direct a complicated ballet that ensures that the necessary swift actions are taken to address all the needs. Coordinating with managed care services, frontline medical providers, and the injured worker’s employer, our claims examiners are there to absorb the stress and anxiety that injuries can cause.

Our Keenan claims examiners are dedicated partners for those in need; from navigating liability challenges where our clients need guidance, to easing the anxiety and burdens incurred by injured workers, the Keenan claims examiner is right there for them, providing updates and guiding them on the path to resolution.

We hear the feedback regularly; our claims examiners make a difference!

Join Us in Honoring Our Examiners

Examiner Appreciation Week is our opportunity to shine a spotlight on these critical figures within our company. From August 19th to August 23rd, we will be honoring select examiners from our Integrated TPA Operations who have demonstrated unwavering dedication to their clients and injured workers. Throughout the week, we will share stories on social media celebrating these examiners and their impactful work. Some will even receive a well-deserved recognition bonus for their exceptional efforts this year.

We invite you to join us in recognizing the vital role that claims examiners play in ensuring that injured workers and clients receive the care and support they need. Their advocacy and commitment are what make a difference in the lives of so many. Let's celebrate their contributions during Examiner Appreciation Week and beyond!