Tara Schilling, President, Claims Operations, is in charge of developing and managing all TPA Operations which includes claims administration for property & liability, workers’ compensation, medical benefit claims, and disability claims. Tara works closely with employers to design integrated claim management strategies and interventions that facilitate employer control of medical management, litigation, and disability issues and to minimize the adverse costs of claims cost drivers. Tara also develops managed care providers and claim payer outcomes. Also, she oversees our cost containment programs, Partnership for Review and Integration of Medical Expenses (PRIME) and Partnership for Review and Integration of Defense Expenses (PRIDE) and Regency Investigations.
Before joining Keenan in 1990, Tara worked for various third party administrators and insurance carriers where she was responsible for designing and implementing effective procedures and workflow, developing quality control, and creating outcome management reports.
Tara has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Legal Studies and is certified by the Department of Industrial Relations, Self-Insurance Plans as a Workers’ Compensation Administrator. She has also completed many technical and managerial courses pertinent to claims administration and is an active participant in various industry committees.