Pooled Programs

We offer Insurance pools that provide advantages such as pricing stability and purchasing leverage.

A woman who works in JPA pool administration

Keenan has worked with California public entities in the formation, management, and administration of California public joint powers authorities (JPAs) for more than four decades. We currently work with 49 property/casualty JPAs in California, some of which are the largest of their kind in the state. We understand the issues that you face on a day-to-day basis.

You can benefit from outsourcing your JPA pool administration to Keenan in the following ways:

  • Reduce administrative expenses while being presented with recommendations for increased operational efficiency and member service delivery.
  • Experience seamless collaboration with your current vendors to coordinate and enhance member services. Keenan understands that preserving existing valuable relationships is important to the members of the JPA.
  • Provide a level of oversight that fosters transparency and public trust.

Keenan Pool Solutions

Keenan is a true pioneer when it comes to public agency insurance pools. We established the first statewide property and liability pools in 1986. Since that time, we have continued to build on our experience and create some of the most successful pools in the country.

Insurance pools can provide public agencies with benefits such as pricing stability and purchasing leverage. Keenan can help you decide if joining a pool is right for your organization.

ReLiEF - Regional Liability Excess Fund

ReLiEF is comprised of two independent regionally-based risk sharing programs, Southern California ReLiEF (SCR) & Northern California ReLiEF (NCR). They are both non-profit, member owned and operated California JPAs. Together they currently serve hundreds of local educational agencies, leading the way in Risk Management services.

SWACC - Statewide Association of Community Colleges

SWACC currently represents 46 of California’s community college districts. All insurance coverages, services, and governance is specific to community colleges and all decisions are made by community college members of the JPA. SWACC was designed to provide comprehensive property and liability coverage in a single program, while addressing unique community college exposures such as daycare centers, first amendment violations and public officials’ liability exposures. SWACC provides the broadest possible property & liability protection available to California community college districts.

PIPS – Protected Insurance Program for Schools and Community Colleges

PIPS, the Protected Insurance Program for Schools and Community Colleges, is a new-generation workers’ compensation program – a hybrid self-insurance and reinsurance model that now covers more than 400 school districts and community colleges in California. As the largest workers’ compensation pool of its kind in the nation, PIPS has the distinct advantage of market leverage, which provides the members with:

  • First dollar coverage eliminating a Self -Insured Retention
  • Highly predictable and competitive rates
  • Catastrophic limits
  • 99% probability level frequency protection – mitigating the likelihood of assessments
  • Flexible structure allowing the pool to retain or transfer different layers
  • Extensive resources provided in person or on-line to help reduce injuries
Suzanne Trowbridge
Senior Vice President, Property & Casualty

Meet Our Subject Matter Experts

Suzanne Trowbridge's areas of expertise include Policy Administration for K12 Public Schools, Property & Casualty Programs, Workers’ Compensation, Joint Powers Authorities, Cyber Liability.

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